Home » This is not the first time you are using a misfortune to market your book! Ciku Muiriri accused of using Tob Cohen’s death for his personal gains

This is not the first time you are using a misfortune to market your book! Ciku Muiriri accused of using Tob Cohen’s death for his personal gains

Ciku Muiruri

Former Daily Nation writer Ciku Muiruri rubbed netizens the wrong way after in a post she shared on her Facebook page regarding slain Dutch tycoon Tob Cohen.

In a lengthy post shared on Friday, September 13, 2019, the journalist and author gave a detailed account of the day she allegedly interacted with the Cohens.

She gave a brief narration of the day she interacted with murdered Dutch businessman Tob Cohen and his widow Sarah Wairimu at their home in Kitisuru, adding that the couple bought her book Love is But a Dream.

“I knew Tob Cohen. I was fortunate enough to visit their home late last year. He and Sarah, have a lovely home, well put together. They both bought a copy of #LoveisButADream,” Ciku wrote on Facebook.

It was the latter that incensed Kenyans, who took to her page and gave her an earful.

“We are here mourning a life that has been gruesomely lost and instead of you condemning the act you here talking about the dogs and bonding? As if that’s the most important thing here. As if that’s not enough you go ahead and start advertising your senseless book at someone’s funeral? what’s wrong with you?” Stanley Kinyua posted.

Some were quick to point out the irony of selling a book titled ‘love is but a dream’ to a couple that ended up totally broken.

Lucie Lucitta Kiage Could it be that they read your book too much ,”Love is but a dream “hmmm

Waruinge Sarckozzy Khim I also visited my grandmother before she passed away that afternoon. I had no book to sell to her tho she had no money even if I had two copies. The dog was barking outside the house. We didn’t bond with it

Mogul King Steamy Kim If you sold your book “love is but a dream” to them what do you expect?

Marsh Sam That’s a lowly thought of post, whom between the two was ‘more’ master than the other? ie, after gathering ‘intelligence’ from the dogs?
However, nothing much should be expected if they read that kind of literature… Apologies anyway.

Monicah Neemoh Our female version of “Baba” who knows all the deceased ? or spoke to them prior to their demise. ??‍♀️Anyway, bora marketing.

Wellington Wanyama This is not the first time you are using a misfortune to market your book. The levels we go to just make money are what results in such heartlessness in our society.
Alomba Samson you’re the main culprit Kinoti needs to arrest and detain without trial ,your name betrays you, okuyu. Cohen’s spirits should not rest.
Dan Simiyu Ciku , this post spells mischief . Are you mocking Tob Cohen ? Or are you marketing your Book?
Onyango Victor If only you had not sold them that book….maybe Cohen would still be alive today?