KenGen PLC is the leading electric energy producer in Kenya harnessing Geothermal, Hydro, Wind and Thermal as the main sources of energy to power the hub of East Africa.
Last week, KenGen held its 68th Annual General Meeting in a virtual event that the company said had an estimated attendance of more than 26,000 shareholders.

Results of the election of directors. #KenGenAGM2020
The Election for three vacancies on the Board of Directors of KenGen was held by a poll on Thursday, 22nd
April 2021 at the sixty-eighth Annual General Meeting of the Company held virtually.
Deloitte & Touche who were appointed as the Scrutineers and Returning Officers of the Election have
delivered the results of the Election to the Company Secretary, who is pleased to announce the results
as follows:
Candidate Votes Garnered
1 Ms. Winnie Pertet 4,651,681,102
2 Mr. Samuel Njuguna Kimani 4,649,926,900
3 Mr. James Khachula Opindi 4,648,670,268
4 Dr. Reginalda N. Wanyonyi 5,560,427
5 Dr. Rosemarie Wanyoike 3,826,515
6 Eng. Shammah K. Munyoki 2,361,190
7 Mr. Abdirashid Mohamed 1,126,959
8 Mr. Peter Ndaa 1,101,496
9 Dr. Njoki Ndiba 799,602
10 Dr. David C. Cherus 240,712
11 Mr. Elisha Kiplagat 208,577
Consequently, the following persons have been elected by the shareholders to fill the three vacancies in
the Board:
1. Ms. Winnie Pertet
2. Mr. Samuel Njuguna Kimani
3. Mr. James Khachula Opindi
The final list was compiled by David Mwangi, AG and KenGen’s Secretary and Legal Affairs Director.