Home » NTSA Clears Modern Coast After Careless Crash

NTSA Clears Modern Coast After Careless Crash

National Transport and Safety Authority has cleared Modern Coast Busses after the careless crash they will resume operations today.

The bus company apologised to the affected passengers for the inconvenience caused for the past four days.


The agency last week directed the National Police Service to impound any of their vehicles found to be operating contrary to the suspension.

“Following the early Thursday morning crash involving two of their buses, the Authority has with immediate effect suspended the Company’s operator’s licence and initiated a thorough investigation into its safety standards and operations,” read part of the statement.

The agency also deactivated the company’s access to the NTSA portal to limit any activities on their 88 vehicles, as the probe continued. The road smash occurred at Kiongwani area, near Salama town along Mombasa-Nairobi highway, Makueni County.

Seven people died and 60 others were injured in the 2:30am accident involving two buses from the Modern coast bus company. One of the killer buses was headed to Nairobi from Malaba while the other was from Nairobi heading to Mombasa.