Home » Anne Waiguru attacked by angry locals in Kagumo market over BBI

Anne Waiguru attacked by angry locals in Kagumo market over BBI

Anne Waiguru attacked by angry locals in Kagumo market over BBI
Anne Waiguru being whisked out of danger by police officers

Chaos erupted this afternoon in Kagumo Market, Kirinyaga Central few minutes after Kirinyaga Governor Ann Mumbi Waiguru Kamotho arrived to launch the market.

The Governor is reported to have been chased away by thousands of angry and frustrated locals who were chanting “BBI pelekea Kamotho…”

Police officers from the nearby Kagumo Police Station had to intervene to calm the situation.

This comes a day after Thirdway Alliance Party leader Ekuru Aukot’s Punguza Mizigo Bill was on Tuesday rejected in the Kirinyaga County Assembly.

The Bill was tabled before the assembly by Majority Leader Kamau Murango who immediately moved a procedural motion to exempt the bill from long and tiresome debate procedures.

The motion, however, flopped on a technicality after Murinduko MCA Evans Ndege who was invited to second the Bill declined to do so.

According to House Standing Orders, if a Bill lacks a seconder it stands suspended for six months when it’s supposed to be re-tabled in the Assembly.

Speaking at the County headquarters, Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru praised the rejection of the Punguza Mizigo Bill saying it was “detrimental to our people.”

“I want to thank the County Assembly of Kirinyaga for throwing out the Punguza Mizigo initiative motion. This initiative has a very nice title but it is extremely detrimental to our people,” said Waiguru in a press address.