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‘Bury Jomo Kenyatta In Kiambu’, Kenyans Tell State

Jomo Kenyatta’s Body lies in state, he died 41 years ago today

Today, 22nd August, 2019, there was a commemorative mass to mark the 41st anniversary of the death of Kenya’s first president.

This day, Uhuru Kenyatta, Jomo’s son and fourth president of Kenya announced that it will be the last time Jomo is commemorated ‘in this manner’.

Every year since 1978, Kenyan leaded have laid a wreath at the Jomo’s mausoleum on 22nd August.

The vibrant Kenyan online community have had enough and there’s no other time in history that they have discussed about the issue of the dead body at Nairobi’s Central Business District (CBD) more than in recent times.

Beginning, before the 2017 general elections, Kenyans have increasingly questioned the basis of having Kenyatta’s Body buried at parliament grounds.

Some have even suggested that there is a sinister reason for it, bordering on witchcraft.

Here are some of the posts we have been able to pull online: