The Central Bank of Kenya(CBK) accepted bids worth KSh 13.4 Billion at the Weekly Treasury Bills Auction. Investors submitted bids worth KSh 14.4 Billion, an undersubscription of 59.79%.
The 182-day Treasury Bills was the least attractive, with bids received of KSh 2 Billion, against KSh 10 Billion offered, a performance rate of 20.1%.
Interest rate offered for this tenor at this Auction was 7.925 against 7.938 at the last Auction. The 364-days Treasury Bills attracted bids worth KSh 8.9 Billion against KSh 10 Billion offered, a performance rate of 86.86%. Interest rate on accepted bids was 7.115% at the Auction against 7.108% at the last Auction.
The 91-days Treasury Bill attracted bids worth KSh 3.7 Billion against KSh 4 Billion offered, a performance rate of 91.49%.
Competitive bids were worth KSh 9.9 Billion, while non-competitive bids were worth KSh 3.5 Billion.
Next CBK Auction and Bids closure
The next auction and bids closure, where the CBK will be offering KSh 24 Billion worth of 91-days, 182 days, 364 days Treasury Bills, will be on 29th April 2021.
Payments made by successful bidders that are above KSh1 Million must be made by electronic transfer using RTGS. Payments less than KSh 1 Million may be made by Cash, Banker’s Cheque or RTGS. These payments must reach the Central Bank not later than 2.00 p.m; on Monday, 3rd May 2021.
According to CBK auction rules, non-competitive bids are subject to a maximum of KSh 20 Million per investor account per tenor. They are issued at the weighted average of accepted bids.
This requirement, however, does not apply to State Corporations, public universities and semi-autonomous government agencies (SAGAs)
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