Home » DPP Haji saves starving man who cooked his dog for lack of food

DPP Haji saves starving man who cooked his dog for lack of food

The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Noordin Haji has ordered the release of a man arrested in Tharaka Nithi County on Thursday for cooking his dog

Through Twitter, Mr Haji further directed the County’s Criminal Investigations Officer (CCIO) boss to make sure the man gets adequate food.

“DPP Noordin Haji has directed for immediate release of man arrested for slaughtering & cooking a dog for lack of food at Tharaka Nithi County. He further directed county CCIO to liaise with County Commissioner to provide man with adequate food,” said Mr Haji

John Munene, was arrested at his home in Karimba, Maara Sub-County, by police for slaughtering and cooking his dog with the intention of eating it.