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Edwin Sifuna Mocks ODM Party Leader

In what many have termed a mockery to Raila Odinga, ODM SG Edwin Sifuna has invited applications for party’s 2022 Presidential candidate.

ODM SG Sifuna announced that the party officially launched preparations for the 2022 General Election in a press briefing on Wednesday,

Edwin Sifuna said the resolutions were borne of a closed-door meeting held on Tuesday.

The party’s National Election Board has now been tasked with revamping grass-roots elections by harmonizing processes to fill in gaps at the ward, constituency and county levels.

The board has also been directed to immediately begin the process of identifying the party’s presidential candidate.

Edwin Sifuna advised those interested to apply and battle out Raila Odinga, who owns the largest interest in ODM.

As there anyone can think of replacing Raila Odinga from ODM? Or Sifuna is just painting the goat.

President Uhuru (R) and Raila Odinga after receiving the final BBI draft document. Sifuna had this to say about BBI

“Going forward, the ODM party will insist on structured and formal negotiations with BBI partners and allies on all matters,” Edwin Sifuna stated.

During the briefing, Sifuna said the party will also insist on nominating an ODM party member to be appointed Nairobi deputy governor designate upon conclusion of the court cases.

Yesterday, we published on theatrics that the State is planning to install Anne Kanunu as the Deputy Governor then she takes over as the Governor of Nairobi.

Edwin Sifuna, is being fronted by Raila’s party ODM to be installed as Nairobi county Deputy governor.

ODM’s Deputy governor nominee in Nyamira was rejected by the county Assembly. Sifuna said the ODM party had nominated another candidate and would be forwarding his name to governor Amos Nyaribo for his transmission.