Home » Everyone needs to leave the Nviiri-Elodie situation alone

Everyone needs to leave the Nviiri-Elodie situation alone

Everyone needs to leave the Nviiri-Elodie situation alone


Nviiri and Elodie Zone are both clowns who have invited us into their circus of the absurd and now are looking to gaslight us into thinking that we are crazy for actually buying tickets.

Elodie Zone changes tune days after painting boyfriend, Nviiri as a narcissist

You see, Elodie Zone posted some explosive allegations of abuse against her man, Sauti Sol signee, Nviiri and he responded to them by sort of dismissing them and doubling down that this was just a lovers spat as they are still a couple and a lot of people spoke up on the matter taking sides.

Elodie Zone with signs of self harm

I hope you realize, these accusations are the type that would not only ruin any man’s immediate career but would also plague them for the rest of their lives. That is what we saw when feminists went after Shaffie Weru for giving sound advice that they did not agree with because of their fee-fees.

Proof that Nviiri’s hot girlfriend is struggling with mental illness issues leading to self-harm (Photo)

So for Nviiri, his career is on the line and for Elodie… I would only advise her to seek professional psychiatric help because she is exhibiting signs of bi-polar behaviour. Why do I say so? Well because when she decided to step away from the drama she started and the conflagration she ignited, she blamed everyone but herself and her partner.

Nviiri and I came to coast with our friend to unwind, relax and make peace with each other. When I made my post it was fueled by tension and an afternoon of a few too many drinks.

Neither one of us thought it would be blown out of proportion the way it has been. Blogging sites and bloggers have also began to spread misinformation and this is affecting our careers and family lives.

What she has done is to not only tell a bald-faced lie but to gaslight everyone who was concerned over her well being and made Nviiri further look like a clown who cannot vet his women to remove batshit crazies or even simply walk away from the madness.

“They grabbed me and forced me into a car,” Elodie Zone sorrowfully narrates how Kenyan police men sexually assaulted her

And that is what I want to advise everyone to do. Walk away from this circus and leave these clowns to play to an empty gallery. Elodie Zone doesn’t deserve your care and concern. And even if you want to persist, you aren’t qualified to help her deal with her mental issues.

Nviiri The Storyteller

Nviiri can easily decide to call it quits but he chooses to remain chained to the drama. That is low-value male energy. He has subservient energy and deserves what he gets. so why would you choose to make yourself an enemy of their relationship by trying to force him to open his eyes?

Let them seek professional help and after all, Sol Generation has offered them exactly that.

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