Home » Five best ways to treat dry hands Eve woman

Five best ways to treat dry hands Eve woman

Five best ways to treat dry hands Eve woman


 A mistake you may be making is using very hot water to wash your hands and not moisturizing thereafter (Shutterstock)

If you find yourself shying away from shaking hands (well, pre-covid), you are probably grateful for the new normal rules where elbows have become the major way of greeting for now.

Like many people who are constantly washing their hands and sanitizing, our hands are becoming dry, itchy and even painful in some cases.

When moisture escapes from the protective barrier of our skin it creates a huge problem.

Another mistake you may be making is using very hot water and not moisturizing thereafter.

Also, as we get older our skin gets drier and more irritated. This is medically known as xerosis which may be an early sign of dermatitis and should be checked by your doctor.

Good thing is there are simple changes you can make to improve the appearance and feeling of dryness in your hands. Here are some:

i.Use warm water

As mentioned earlier, using hot water will remove the natural oils from your hands leaving them dry.

Instead, you may want to use lukewarm water when washing your hands or taking a shower while limiting your time in the bathroom.

You want to retain the oils as much as you can.

ii.Use gloves during chores

Most if not all of the cleaning products we use for cleaning contain harsh chemicals that affect our skin when they come in contact.

This is why you must use gloves at all times if you clean occasionally. Failure to do so will exacerbate existing skin conditions and lead to more dryness.

Go for gentle soaps and hand washes

Washing your hands before eating or after using the bathroom are good habits ingrained in us since childhood.

While this is a good thing, frequent use of alcohol-based hand washes and soaps with harsh ingredients will not only get rid of germs but remove all the good protective layer your hands need to stay moisturized and soft.

iii.Use a mask

When it comes to beauty treatments, certain parts of our bodies remain neglected. Of those, our hands tend to suffer the most.

One of the most used part of our body, taking a few minutes out to slather on some mask will not hurt.

Tune in to your favorite TV station then generously apply a mask. It may be messy but the benefits are worth it.

Your hands will be coated in moisture and it would be wise to stay away from touching water for a few hours to allow the product to do its work.


Shower gels and cleansers can be harsh on the skin especially if you’re taking a hot shower. As mentioned, keep the showers short and sweet using natural products as an alternative.

As soon as you step out of the shower, pat your body dry and apply a rich moisturizing cream or oil when your body is still damp.

This should apply to your hands too.

v.Apply hand creams

Hand creams with occlusive properties do a great job at sealing moisture in. Other ingredients you also want to be on the lookout for are ceramides and petrolatum that protect your skin barrier and keep potential irritants out.

Glycerin and hyaluronic acids are humectants that add that extra boost of water in your skin and therefore should be a must have in your hand regiment.


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