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Graphic: Principal roasts his 5-months-old son

Police in Baringo County are holding a secondary school principal who is accused of throwing his five-month-old son in fire causing him serious injuries.

Graphic: Principal roasts his 5-months-old son

Paul Kipsang, who is the Principal at Katokon Secondary School in Tiaty, is reported to have placed the baby on fire in his house at Ngaratuko area under unclear circumstances.

According to Baringo North Sub-county Police Commander Fredrick Odinga, the suspect had gone into hiding and was arrested on Monday night, five days since after committing the heinous act.

The baby is admitted at the Baringo County Referral Hospital where he is nursing burns on the face and sections of the body.

The baby’s mother told police that the husband has previously issued death threats to the family especially when he returns home drunk.

The suspect was detained at Loruk police station pending arraignment.