The Council of Governors and County Assemblies Forum are now jointly pushing for an exclusive pensions scheme for Governors, Speakers, and Members of the County Assembly who have served for at least two terms.
CoG Chair Wycliffe Oparanya and Busia Governor Sospeter Ojaamong say the proposed legislation drafted by the CoG on the Welfare of Governors will be amended to include Speakers and Members of the County Assembly.
The Council of Governors is now in the process of drafting a Pension Bill and is urging the County Assemblies to support the proposal that will lead to the creation of the County Pension Fund.
Ojaamong says the move is so as to prioritize the welfare of MCAs who he says is because of their close proximity to the electorate.
Oparanya who is also Kakamega Governor noted the Building Bridges Initiative has captured two issues beneficial to the devolved units including the channeling of more funds to the grassroots and the introduction of a Ward Development Fund