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How IMF is amplifying corruption in Kenya

On Friday, International Monetary Fund (IMF) said Nairobi is set to receive Sh79 billion as part of the Sh262 billion before the end of this Financial Year.

What seems like a debt trap or kickbacks trick from IMF board members, Nairobi has not been accounting for more than Ks704 Billion she has been loaning.

After aproar from Kenyans, some who suggested that IMF wires the loan directly to their accounts, International Monetary Fund (IMF) issued a statement expressing concerns that the heightened political activities in the country.

Kenya is in a political limbo as she prepares for a possible referendum and General Election might with a collapsing economy, all these could scamper Kenya’s belt-tightening plans.

Flagging the buildup of political activities as one of the risks to the Sh262 billion programme that its Executive Board approved on Friday, the IMF emphasised that it is only by adhering to the agreed austerity path of increasing revenues and cutting non-essential spending that Kenya would be able to overcome the spending temptations that accompany the electioneering period.
IMFHere is what Kenyans on thinterwebs had to say about

What measures have you in place to ensure that the money is strictly used for the intended recipients and purpose. Remember that we poor Kenyans will bear the blunt when the borrowed funds are misappropriated. Kindly IMF, issue very strict guidelines and conditions before releasing the funds. Lastly make thorough follow up after disbursement.Thank for standing with our country during these difficult economic times- Robert Mwangi

Huzefa  Haji said “Dear fellow Kenyans,
I think we are looking with the assumption that the IMF has our best interest at heart. However, this does not seem true because if it did, then why would they pile on more debt on our already over burdened plate? This is neocolonialism at its best. Keep the developing countries in debt so that they remain holding the ‘begging bowl’ into eternity. What we need is a change in our mindset. This loan is just one of the many direct and indirect imbalances designed to keep us and Africa as a whole under their thumbs.”

kenyans can’t suffer at the expense of Kenyatta family ,we distance ourselves from the loans you have recently approved to Kenya, kenyans lost their jobs ,the country is under lockdown,tax relief came to an end frustrations are high please 🙏 -Nancy Chemutai

We’ve been here lamenting on how this funds ends in a few individuals pockets. Seems at IMF, there’s someone getting kickbacks from these kenyan corrupt politicians.  We are the ones feeling the pinch and the pain of paying for a loan that benefitted a few politicians. Does IMF ever take time to consider what the normal mwananchi is going through in this country” Sammy Kinyaa

Sadly, it is a new era in the idea of International (Monetary) Bodies as agents of Economic Independence in Third World Countries. IMF has become an accomplice in the increasing destruction of economic strength of countries like my Kenya.The claims in Objectives 2, 3 & 4 are the exact opposite of what you are doing. We are sinking deep into debts and our assets and or resources are no longer ours. There is no big difference between taking a loan from IMF and a country say China or USA. It is all coming down on us because these monies do not translate to reasonable economic growth and development. In short, there is no translatable socio-economic benefit to an individual taxpayer. Corruption is taking it down! And it is not only internal, some of these monies are to lobby for more loans from countries that are out to seek an era of economic colonization. We are tired. Do not add us more trouble. You have a duty.- Odhiambo Kaumah

You are all conduits to the thievery happening in Kenya. A simple due diligence will show that you just approved a loan to be eaten tau tau by a few and the debt repayment shouldered by millions of Kenyans! And what sort of responses has the government indicated that they are doing against the pandemic? From where we stand, nothing except testing maximum 6K persons per day and the sick left to sort they bills. Anyway, we know as International Mother and Father (IMF), your intentions are always nefarious.- Thomas Andanje
