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How to buy airtime for Airtel and Telkom lines from MPESA

Life is moving so fast and all that a busy person would ask for is convenience.

Tsenda is a new platform where one can buy airtime for any network in Kenya faster and easily using Safaricom’s MPESA

Buying Airtime for a Airtel or Telkom line  is always hard as shops might be far, you might be stuck in traffic or a meeting or sometimes the shops stock only low-value denomination cards. Here is where Tsenda comes in handy with its charge-free short code 40512.

Buying airtime for Airtel and Telkom is easy as shown in the picture above


1.Create a new message

2. Insert the number and amount of airtime for Airtel or Telkom line you want to buy in the following manner

Number#Amount eg. 077XXXXXX8#100 or 0735XXXXX9#1000 (very efficient for large top ups)

3. Wait for MPESA prompt

4. Input your MPESA PIN number

5. Wait for Airtime which comes handy with an e-Receipt that can be used as evidence for accounting purposes.

6. This works from a Safaricom line with MPESA.

Note: The same process above can also be used to buy airtime for another person, or another number.


Buying for a Safaricom line is even simple