Home » “I can’t poison my kids” Jimal’s wife addresses suicidal claims made by Amber Ray

“I can’t poison my kids” Jimal’s wife addresses suicidal claims made by Amber Ray

“I can’t poison my kids” Jimal’s wife addresses suicidal claims made by Amber Ray


Life in Jimal Roho Safi’s home must be really hard! Both his wives have decided to wash their dirty linen on social media; and as much as the tea is good – we also can’t help but worry!

This is after Amber Ray revealed that her co wife Amira is full of drama just to get attention from husband, Jimal. According to the lady – Amira has not only threatened to get a divorce from husband; but implied that she would kill herself and her two sons.

Amber with Husband, Jimal and first wife, Amira

Amber who is rumored to be the reason why Jimal’s home is failing exposed her co wife’s dramatic stunts saying;

And please last warning kwa wale mnaniambia niwachane na hii maneno. Nita wa block, you guys don’t know the nonsense I take everyday hapa kwa ground. Being forced to be the bigger person juu mtu anashinda akisema atakunywa sumu na apee watoto pia then anakuja kuwahubiria online 🚮🚮

Amber’s post

Amira shares side of the story

Of course we cannot tell whether Amber Ray’s statement is true or not; but all I know is that women can overreact especially after baby daddy/husband decides to date and publicize another woman.

It’s life…it happens but it’s never that serious. Anyway responding to Amber Ray’s statement that portray Amira as a suicidal mum; first wife wrote;

My babies, mum could never hurt you let alone ashame you ❤️. My supportive followers, all those DMs that have encouraged someone & those always showing me love, ati nawaacha niende wapi?


Ndio tu tumejuana we have so much wins to come and things to share ata recipe bado tujamaliza. Haya maisha ni matamu msichochwe dah! There is so much to live for

Amira vs Amber Ray

Well….there you have it!

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