Home » IEBC disqualifies football star MacDonald Mariga from contesting in the Kibra parliamentary seat

IEBC disqualifies football star MacDonald Mariga from contesting in the Kibra parliamentary seat

Football star McDonald Mariga’s bid to contest for the Kibra seat in the November 7 by election now hangs in the balance after his name could not be found in the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) register of voters.

An IEBC returning officer only referred to as Beatrice made this announcement on Tuesday evening after the star footballer visited the electoral bodys offices to formalise his candidature.

I cannot find Mr. Marigas name in our register, she said.

It is a legal requirement for any aspirants in Kenya to be registered voters.

Lang’ata MP Nixon Korir and former Kakamega senator Boni Khalwale tried to convince the commissioner to take her time and relook for his name.

“So long as a Kenyan is qualified to vote or vie and has made that application to IEBC, the IEBC can take their time. Can take one week, one year or 10 years but that person cannot be denied his rights to vote or vie,” Korir said.

Khalwale on his side said that,

“I have evidence that my candidate is a voter and has an election card number. This is very serious.”

“What has happened is a temporary intervention. Nobody or individual has the right to take away a single right of a Kenyan. The campaign will continue and come November 7, we will ensure Mariga’s name is in the race. Supporters should worry not. Wakili atashughulikia (the lawyer will deal with it),” he added.

Mariga asked his supporters to continue supporting him as he heads to court to secure his bid.

“Mmetembea na mimi na tutaendelea na elections. Ni lazima nipate rights zangu za kuwa mp kama mimi ni registered voter,” Mariga said.

Mariga further thanked the party for believing in him and assured that he is equal to the task.