Royal Media Services (RMS), the owners of Citizen TV and a number of radio stations has announced that staff will be subjected to a paycut of between 20 and 30 per cent to mitigate effects of the Coronavirus pandemic.
In a Letter signed by the Group Managing Director Wachira Waruru, the pay cut will be effected as from1st April 2020.
The full internal memo is shared below.
RE: COVID-19 Effect On Business
The unprecedented outbreak of the coronavirus in the world and Kenya in particular has had serious repercussions on businesses, including ours.
This reality necessitates that we take difficult but necessary measures to see us through this period, one of which is to scale down our operations until – the situation normalizes.
Media being an essential service, a scaled down operation will continue with minimal staff. The Directors will communicate the names of the members of staff who will be working on a shift system in order to reduce exposure, all other staff will proceed to take their accrued leave and if exhausted, leave in advance until further notice.
Further, with effect from 1st April 2020, all employees will be subjected to 20% to 30% reduction of their gross monthly salary bases on their job levels. Each staff will be issued with their individual letter through their supervisor. This reduction is temporary and will be reversed when things return to normal. Though the above measures are hard and drastic, we urge all to take this move positively.
Our commitment is to ensure that staff are able to meet their needs during this very difficult tine. While on leave, kindly ensure that you follow the government directives to observe hygiene and social distancing protocols.
Kindly keep all your lines of communication open should there be need to recall you. Our different support teams will be available to anyone who needs help whether at work or from home. We will constantly review all or some of these measures as the situation dictates and advice accordingly.
Yours Sincerely,
Wachira Waruru