Home » Kanye West’s wife Kim Kardashian breaks silence about his mental health

Kanye West’s wife Kim Kardashian breaks silence about his mental health

Kanye West and Kim Kardashian | Shutterstock

This morning (Kenyan time), US Rapper and Producer Kanye West went on a tweetstorm tweeting about him trying to get a divorce from Kim Kardashian.

In his most recent deleted rant, Kanye West tweeted that he has been trying to divorce Kim Kardashian ever since Kim’s hotel meeting with rapper Meek Mill to discuss prison reform, a subject Kim has been advocating for some time. The meeting with Meek Mill, who is also an activist in addition to being a musician, was in 2018 – Kanye’s tweet appeared to indicate that he suspects Kim of having been unfaithful. Kanye also accused Kim of “white supremacy” for having “put out a statement without (his) approval” – not getting his approval first is what Kanye defines as “not what a wife should do.” In addition to his opinion on what qualifies as wifely behaviour, Kanye West also referred to Kim Kardashian’s mother Kris Jenner as “Kris Jong-Un” in his tweets.

Kanye deleted those tweets.

This night (Kenyan time), Kim has followed up with a thread amid allegations of seeking divorce from Kanye West.

“I’ve never spoken publicly about how this has affected us at home because I am very protective of our children and Kanye’s right to privacy when it comes to his health. But today, I feel like I should comment on it because of the stigma and misconceptions about mental health. Those that understand mental illness or even compulsive behavior know that the family is powerless unless the member is a minor. People who are unaware or far removed from this experience can be judgmental and not understand that the individual themselves have to engage in the process of getting help no matter how hard family and friends try. I understand Kanye is subject to criticism because he is a public figure and his actions at times can cause strong opinions and emotions” – Kim Kardashian tweeted.

A few minutes after copying these tweets, Kim also deleted them.
There’s drama at the KimYe house.
US President

At an extraordinary rally in South Carolina some days ago, Kanye West announced that he was running for President – nobody is quite sure whether his bid for the White House is genuine but he seems to have Elon Musk’s vote. At the rally, Kanye claimed that he and Kim had discussed abortion when she was pregnant with their oldest child, daughter North. Later, he tweeted that Kim and her mother were trying to “lock (him) up” and that the 2017 movie Get Out, a horror-genre take on the concept of slavery, was about him.