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KenGen’s Pink Energy Accorded by DIAR

KenGen’s Pink Energy Accorded by DIAR

The Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen) has been awarded for the Best Women’s Empowerment Initiative in Kenya, by the National Diversity & Inclusion Awards & Recognition (DIAR).

KenGen runs Pink Energy, an initiative to uplift the status of women within the company. It was launched in November 2016 and has gone a long way in creating change and enhancing the potential of women in the company.


Pink Energy is anchored on three pillars: Personal development and empowerment; creating a conducive work environment and creating gender awareness.

“The award goes to show the efforts the company has put in place over the years, in instituting gender mainstreaming,” KenGen wrote in a tweet.

DIAR Awards celebrates Companies, NGOs, government agencies, Individuals and others who Champion Diversity and Promote Inclusion.

Rebecca Miano

Last year, the former CEO & MD Rebecca Miano was awarded the Diversity and Inclusion C-Suite Executive Award by the National Diversity and Inclusion Awards (DIAR)