Home » Kenya Railway pensioners decry delayed Sh1.2billion Express Way, Green Park Terminus compensation – The Informer

Kenya Railway pensioners decry delayed Sh1.2billion Express Way, Green Park Terminus compensation – The Informer


Members of the Kenya Railways Retirement Pension Scheme have petitioned President Uhuru Kenyatta to intervene over delayed compensation compulsorily acquired by government for the expansion of the Nairobi Express Way and the Green Park Terminus.

They cited bureaucratic bottlenecks being advanced by senior government officials for their ill-intentioned purposes as the reason behind the delays.

They made the passionate plea even as they accuse Lands Permanent Secretary Nicholas Muraguri of being the bottleneck to the payment of their dues despite the National Treasury having assured them that the money is there only what was being awaited was a go ahead from National Lands Commissions and Ministry of Lands.

They are supposed to get a total of Sh1.2billion payment as compensation.

“Close to thirty of our members have died since the proposed programme by the state which is why there is dire need to assist the ones who are alive.” John Toili, a trustee lamented.

The distraught pensioners urged the Head of State to treat their case with utmost urgency considering that most of them are approaching their senility and as such might not benefit from the kitty in the event of deaths most of which have been reported in the recent past.

“As we are speaking we have been visiting these offices and have always been referred to the PS who has been taking us in circles. What he has been telling us is that there is an important document which needs to be perused and finally signed but it seems there is a shirking of duties of sorts ostensibly to frustrate us,’’ Toili added.

He further said that they have taken the trouble of holding top meeting with top government officials with no hopes of getting justice despite the fact that the government has already started developing the site.

Approximately, the pensions receive Sh3,000 to Sh45,000 which by local standards is a meagre amount.

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