Home » Kirinyaga Woman Rep Ngirici Breaks The Silence After Embarrassing Video

Kirinyaga Woman Rep Ngirici Breaks The Silence After Embarrassing Video

Kirinyaga Woman Rep Ngirici Breaks The Silence After Embarrassing Video

Kirinyaga Woman Rep Wangui Ngirici has broken her silence a day after a video of an irate man reprimanding her for breaking traffic rules emerged.

In the 17-second video clip, the man is seen scolding the lawmaker, accusing her of trying to assault him.

“Shame on you! You are a grown woman! What the hell is this car?! Follow the rules! And you’re coming here to try and punch me?” the man dressed in shorts and a T-shirt says.

In the middle of the road is the car with Registration No. KCM 141R which Ngirici boards after being scolded. Her driver then joins the left lane which he had previously ignored.


On Tuesday, Ngirici took to Twitter saying:

“Going by the clip making rounds on social media – Yes, sometimes back I had an incident involving overlapping on the road. I was rushing to attend to a patient by the name Magdale Wawira who was admitted at KNH. Sometimes, even leaders are reminded by the citizens about the society and its values. I took the lesson, appreciated and apologized accordingly. To grow together as one cohesive and harmonious society, we must remind and correct each other whenever we go wrong or make mistakes ~ PWN.”

The altercation occurred last week and that the man in the video apparently did not know he was being recorded.

In a lengthy Facebook post, Oluoch Dickens revealed that he was on his way to his brother’s house in Kilimani when a black Nissan 4X4 started to overlap and almost hit another vehicle head on.

“A woman came out from the back seat accompanied by what looked like her body guards …she started insulting the driver demanding that she comes out of the car. She was very abusive,” his post reads.

He revealed that he had been in a lot of pain as he had just undergone an operation and been discharged from the Aga Khan Hospital two days before.

Oluoch maintains that when he stepped out of his taxi, he had no idea that the woman in front of him was Kirinyaga Woman Rep Wangui Ngirici.

“I couldn’t just take it…I asked my Uber guy to stop..struggled to come out of the car and confronted her and her team…I dint know who the hell she was but could put that face to a noisy politician..couldn’t just tell who..she and her team tried to confront me but i stood my ground though in a lot of pain and dint allow them to know. ”

“We all must obey the law,” he added.