Home » KOT ask DCI to go after bloggers who defended Tob Cohen’s killer Sarah Wairimu over murder

KOT ask DCI to go after bloggers who defended Tob Cohen’s killer Sarah Wairimu over murder

Kenyans on Twitter want the DCI to investigate key bloggers who defended the Sarah Wairimu Cohen, the wife of the murdered tycoon Tob Cohen whose body was discovered Friday in a water tank at his home in Kitisuru, Nairobi.

On the 2nd of September, some posts, which appear to defend Ms Cohen, the main suspect in the tycoon’s murder, were published on Twitter under the hashtag #SarahWairimuVsCohen

A Twitter user, Kibet Bernard, alleged that that Tob had been drinking heavily on the day he disappeared.

Another account posted: No woman or man deserves to stay in a marriage where they are abused. Sarah was abused by Cohen.

Kenny Kaburu asked the DCI to find out what the bloggers know about the murder.

Close friends of the couple described their marriage as rocky.

Former Gatundu North MP Patrick Muiruri told journalists that Cohen was concerned that his wife was planning to kill him.

“He was very concerned about his life. He never hid the fact that if anything happens to him, if he is found dead anywhere, Sarah his wife would be responsible,” the former MP told journalists on Friday.