Home » Manu Chandaria robbed off Sh600k, jewelry during night raid

Manu Chandaria robbed off Sh600k, jewelry during night raid

Manu Chandaria robbed off Sh600k, jewelry during night raid

Gunmen raided the Nairobi residence of billionaire-industrialist Manu Chandaria and robbed the family of Sh600,000 on Sunday night.

The gunmen also stole jewelry of unknown value in their Muthaiga residence.

Detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations said the robbers managed to disarm an Administration Police officer of his G3 rifle.

Other guards on duty were found tied in a room as the gang escaped towards Karura forest.

Chandaria told police he heard a loud bang on his entrance and when he woke up to check what had happened he found two men in his bedroom.

This was after his efforts to reach the security through the phone didn’t bear fruits.

He said the gang was armed with a pistol and a cutter when they arrived in the bedroom and they demanded cash and jewelry before he showed them where the safe was.

They then fired to the air as Chandaria and his family and the neighbors caved in for their safety.

The gang left the G3 rifle they had grabbed from the police officer they had attacked.

Police also recovered two spent cartridges belonging to a pistol meaning the gang was also armed.

Detectives have launched investigations to establish whether it was a case of collusion or just a normal robbery.