Home » Martha Karua blocks Ruto lawyer after online scuffle

Martha Karua blocks Ruto lawyer after online scuffle

Martha Karua blocks Ruto lawyer after online scuffle

An online scuffle between firebrand politician Martha Karua and affluent city lawyer Ahmenasir Abdullahi has taken a brutal turn.

On Saturday, 4 December 2021, the former long-serving Gichugu Member of Parliament (MP) took an unprecedented move and blocked the lawyer linked to Deputy President William Ruto from accessing her Twitter page.

This came just a day after the two advocates were involved in a heated altercation regarding Chief Justice (CJ) Martha Koome, whom Ahmednasir accused of enjoying a soft spot in Karua’s heart.

The argument ensued as they assessed the ethnicity of her current Chief of Staff in comparison to those chosen by her predecessors.

In his post, Ahmednasir noted a pattern where every occupant of the position, past and present, has been picked from the same tribe as the Chief Justice.

“CJ Willy Mutunga, Akamba by Ethnicity had a Luo Chief of Staff. CJ David Maraga a Kisii by ethnicity had a Kisii Chief of Staff, naughty Kenyans notice small things,” he wrote, tagging Karua on the tweet.

In response, Karua termed her assessment as a “pathetic way” to measure someone.

But in a quick rejoinder, the lawyer told off the politician saying she should stop pretending that Kenyans never assess their leaders based on the tribe of their appointees.

He further accused her of always defending Koome.

Hours later, Ahmednasir announced he had been blocked.

In his reaction, he said that Karua was simply acting out of her own fiery character that led to her brand name “the Iron Lady”.

“That is the “IRON LADY” for you. Two tweets on why she is the official carrier for CJ Koome and she blocks me,” he wrote.

Once you have been blocked on Twitter, the app makes it impossible to view content from that person or communicate with them on Twitter through the account.

Specifically, you can no longer follow that person or read their tweets.

This means their tweets won’t appear in your search results, either.

You also cannot tag the person who has blocked you in photos.

In addition, you can’t exchange direct messages with the blocker or view any Moments that the account has created.