Home » Nairobi MCA Abdi Guyo suspended, risks to loose seat

Nairobi MCA Abdi Guyo suspended, risks to loose seat

Majority Leader at the Nairobi County Assembly Abdi Ibrahim Hassan Guyo and Spring Valley Matopeni Ward MCA has been suspended for 1 year after missing 11 consecutive sittings.

The Nairobi County Assembly Select Committee on Powers and Privileges found that the MCA had missed 10 sittings between January 2020 and March 2020.

According to the findings by the committee, the MCA had not explained the reasons of his absence to the speaker as required.

The committee further noted that when the MCA was given a fair hearing, he refused to respond to the allegations and instead, rubbished the committee as a ‘kangaroo court’

The committee ruled that having missed the sittings without a justifiable reason, the MCA had breached Standing Order 242 and article 194 (1)(b) of the constitution.

The consequence for such a breach is the declaration of a vacancy in the seat of the member of the County Assembly.

Earlier in the year, a nominated MCA Habiba Hussein has lost her seat after missing Assembly plenary sittings for 2 years.

Ms Hussein had been in and out of hospital for two years with her latest admission being in February 2020.

The Nairobi MCA is said to have lost her baby after a complicated pregnancy in 2018 .

Doctors said the baby had been born with heart complications.

Medical reports seen by Citizen Digital indicate that Baby Shadia died from a blocked A-V valve just a few hours after birth.

It is suspected the baby developed the complication due to ulcer treatment that the MCA was undergoing during the pregnancy.

In the two years that she missed the plenary sittings, Ms Hussein underwent a myomectomy to remove uterine fibroids and a cholecystectomy to remove her gall bladder.

Despite her hospitalization, her seat was declared vacant by Speaker Beatrice Elachi on Tuesday in a move that Senator Omanga says was “almost satanic”.