‘Two days ago, the Cabinet Secretary (CS) for Devolution and Arid and Semi Arid Areas (ASALs) posted that Kenya had received rice donations for the People Republic of China.
Just received a donation of 30,000 bags Of rice from The People’s Republic of China to compliment Government of Kenya (GoK) relief food distribution in 23 drought affected Counties’, he tweeted.
Kenyans on Twitter quickly was on his case:
Do you are happy in receiving relief food. You need to resign and go home. It’s a huge shame we are still begging for food. @StateHouseKenya tell President Uhuru, we don’t need relief food. We need to eradicate poverty and drought in Kenya forever.
Shame on you Eugene Wamalwa
Population: 1.3 Billion
Arable land: 10%
Annual Rice Production: 210 Mn Tonnes
Population: 51 Million
Arable land: 10.2%
Annual Rice Production: 50,000 Tonnes
The audacity you have to brag about rice donations.
Relief food shouldn’t be flagged off as a public event. It should be done secretly and in shame. In the dead of the night even. Wear a mask too.
56+ years after independence and we’re distributing relief food. A public spectacle betraying government failure is what this is.
This disease of receiving something for nothing is so embedded in our society to the level that our leaders can not think. For how long will you depend on donations?
Even Street beggars don’t stand outside their houses to declare to neighbours that they’re about to feed their family with proceeds of begging. Where does a child born with silver spoon n schooled in good schools learn to behave so shamelessly? Street beggars are more dignified