Home » Omari; we didn’t know CJ Koome was serious about cutting deals with president during JSC interview – Kenyan_Report

Omari; we didn’t know CJ Koome was serious about cutting deals with president during JSC interview – Kenyan_Report

Omari; we didn’t know CJ Koome was serious about cutting deals with president during JSC interview – Kenyan_Report


One of the country’s leading lawyers has, in an apparent fit of frustration, admitted that he thought when CJ Koome, then candidate Martha Koome, told the JSC panel interviewing her that she would find a way to get the recommended judges appointed by way of a phone call to the president, she was simply playing to the gallery.

“Seeing the list of Judges that the president has come up with and appointed, it’s now clear that madam Koome actually meant it when she spoke about negotiating with the president. Back then, I thought she was just saying it so that she could get a job from the Judicial Service Commission.”

Danstan Omari was speaking on Citizen Radio’s morning show hosted by Vincent Ateya alongside his co-host, Melody Sinzore, yesterday morning.
In the hour long interview which was wide-ranging, and touching on a number of topics, Danstan Omari said that he figures the whole reasoning behind the handshake was so that Uhuru could find a way to rule with an imperial presidency.

While emphasising that indeed there are some things which the president was doing that were in contravention of the law, Omari said that the president was talking advantage of the fact that Kenyan cases take long and can drag on for ages within the courts of law.

He said that the handshake gave him the legislative wiggle room to maneuver and pass legislation that allows him to do things which he ordinarily wouldn’t have been able to do.

In the case of things which are contrary to the law, Omari said that the president, with the knowledge that he is serving his final term, hopes to delay the cases until he retires. After he retires, Omari suggests that he will care less what happens in his aftermath, having reigned in the manner that he wanted.



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