Twitter user Dikembe Disembe dissects the tribalism and nepotism at the Ministry of Education when Principal Secretary Belio Kipsang was in charge.
He opinionates the dangers of such moves on national unity and cohesion.
PS Belio Kipsang gave full government scholarships to his tribesmen so much so that now, there’s a Kalenjin Students Association – Europe Chapter, which meets monthly in Hungary. Part of the reason his removal was easy was the “International Scholarship Scam” he pulled.
The irony though is that as Kalenjins were being pulled out of Kenya into European universities on FULL government education bursary, William Ruto is promising other regions wheelbarrows, Mkokotenis and Brothels (Mtito Andei). Such is the absurd conundrum of politics in Kenya.
When those students return sometime in 2023, they will be given mid-level and senior government jobs, as you continue with pulling and pushing wheelbarrows and mkokotenis. You will never catch up
It is a matter of historical record, and one which is uncontested, that Arap Moi found Kalenjins in the ‘70s backward, uneducated and absent in civil service. By the time he exited power, the Kalenjin was the single largest group in government civil service. How did it happen?
It started with education scholarships & opportunities. Where entry grades affected Kalenjin admission to certain academic programmes like law, medicine, engineering etc, Moi just lowered the grades. That’s how the policy of lowering entry points depending on regions started.
I’m not saying Kalenjins should not get opportunities. Far from it. They must. What I’m saying is that there’s a pattern to how such opportunities get hoarded, to give a headstart. That’s what Belio Kipsang did in his near 8yrs as PS, Education.
One of the consequenses of electing William Ruto is that by the time he finishes 10yrs, the people he will give the wheelbarrows and mkokotenis will be left so behind that children & grandchildren will never catch up with his tribesmen they gave GoK scholarships to Europe.
Raila Odinga is promising a meritocracy and fair system where no single tribe hoard government opportunities for the exclusive benefit of their people. Luos, of which I am a member, look forward to competing with the rest of countrymen and women in a MERIT BASED system.
By the way, either way it goes, those of us from (Luo) Nyanza are fine. We’ve survived hostile regimes before. We’ve learnt to thrive. One other thing we’ve learnt is to never forget what we’ve learnt.
Dikembe ended with the quotes, VOTE WISELY!