Home » Photos! Here is Mariam Kigenda and her daughter Amanda Mutheu whose car sunk into the Indian Ocean

Photos! Here is Mariam Kigenda and her daughter Amanda Mutheu whose car sunk into the Indian Ocean

The occupants of the vehicle that plunged into the Indian Ocean after sliding off a ferry at the Likoni channel have been identified.

A police report filed at Ferry Police Station, identified the deceased as Mariam Kigenda, 35, and her daughter Amanda Mutheu, 4.

According to the report, the vehicle, a Toyota Isis was the last to board the MV Harambee Ferry Vessel from the mainland.

The car slid off when the ferry was midstream and plunged into the Indian Ocean waters.

Police stated that rescue operations to retrieve the bodies and the motor vehicle are ongoing.

Kenya Ferry Services on Sunday (KFS), September 29, issued a statement through their official Facebook page.

“It’s with sadness that we confirm an accident occurred onboard MV.Harambee which was plying from mainland to the island side at 1815hrs, when a saloon car alleged with two occupants reversed and plunged into the sea midstream,” the statement read.