Residents of Elburgon, Molo in Nakuru County have shared pictures of live bullets allegedly used by cops in the operation to nab those not following COVID-19 directives from the Health Ministry.
From the pictures shared to us via a source, the Police used live bullets in operation to nab those not wearing face masks in public
Last week while announcing the daily coronavirus updates, the President through the Ministrybof Interior gave the police new orders to arrest those who do not wear face masks appropriately.
The same instructions apply for those found flouting curfew and partial lockdown. Field officers were ordered to daily file cases of the crimes to police headquarters.
This follows a directive by the Ministry of Health on various measures to be followed to help curb the spread of coronavirus.
Head of Police Operations Henry Barmao ordered the immediate arrest of those who fail to wear masks or have them on but not covering the mouth and nose.
“Similarly, mount roadblocks to ensure no movement of vehicles and persons after commencement of 7pm curfew hours, except those exempted and listed as essential service providers. All vehicles and persons found violating the orders to be detained and charged with contravening curfew orders. Submit daily returns on the same,” he said in an internal memo dated May 15.
The move came a day before President Uhuru Kenyatta ordered a 21-day extension of the country’s nationwide dusk-to-dawn curfew. On Saturday, the country recorded 49 new Covid-19 cases.
“The whole world is walking through the valley of the shadow of death. We have a brutal and unforgiving enemy trying to gain entry using every door, window, every crack. It is asking every single Kenyan to sneak it in so it can attack all of us,” the President said.