Home » Photoshopped photos of Akothee and Wamama causes uproar online

Photoshopped photos of Akothee and Wamama causes uproar online

Famous King of Facebook’s Kilimani Mums and Dad group Desmond Otieno Owino famously known as Wamama caused an online uproar after he shared photos of him with controversial musician, Esther Akoth, famously known as Akothee.

Sharing the photoshopped images on his Facebook account, he claimed to be on a holiday with madam boss.

Fans warned him for joking around with her and assured him to wait for a major clap back from her.

“It’s holiday I’m Chilling with Akothee. Akothee come baby come,” he said.

Muria Ciake: Madam boss anafanya warm up, wait for your dose

Joseph Njuguna: Press conference waiting Akothee and mfalme Tajiri mkuu here at JKIA where they are expected to land ? few minutes from now

Lorenzo De’ Sagwanzo: Am waiting for Akothee’s responce…???

Queen Lukasi: Ngoja madam boss acome

Hildah Asintoflores: Aki bae Leo utapokea matusi wacha tu ???.

Aliah Ray Chirry: Kwani umechapa eskanunu ya Akothee hivo mpaka anapoesha????

Princess Kay: Wacha akothee akupate utaanikwa Instagram utatrend I tell you

Hama Tuma: Kosa kungolewa hizo Nini uniulize

Becky Okwara: ?????chilling for a response from Akothee

Julie Ndungu: ????????yaaani jipeni raha nimekwama kwa mtree ??????

Mercy Momanyi: Ako anafanya press ups tafuta mahali utajificha my friend , ni kubaya I die