Home » ‘Private investigator’ Jane Mugo released on Sh. 300k cash bail

‘Private investigator’ Jane Mugo released on Sh. 300k cash bail

Jane Mugo, a private detective accused of threatening to kill, was on Wednesday released on a total cash bail of Ksh.300,000.

According to one charge sheet, Mugo drew a pistol and threatened Patrick Mugusia Kefa on August 15, 2019 without lawful excuse. The second charge sheet reads:

“Jane Mugo on February 4, 2019 at Kyuna Close within Spring Valley in Gigiri without lawful excuse drew a pistol threatening to kill Deepa Shah.”

The Prosecution told the court that they were not opposed to request for bail but the suspect should present herself at the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI).

The lawyers said she should appear at the DCI headquarters on Kiambu Road for firearm verification.

However, the Defense team objected saying verification should be done at the Firearms Licensing Board and not at the DCI.

The lawyer maintained that they will present her for finger printing at the DCI headquarters on Thursday at 2pm.

They also pleaded for lenient bail terms insisting that the case emanates from a civil matter.

“She is one of the police, undercover, she can’t escape,” the court was told.

The court ruled that she be released on Ksh.200,000 cash bail for the first charge and Ksh. 100,000 for the second charge.

The case will be mentioned on September 30, 2019.