Home » Raila better at articulating government policies than Uhuru – Martha Karua

Raila better at articulating government policies than Uhuru – Martha Karua

Raila better at articulating government policies than Uhuru – Martha Karua

NARC Kenya Party Leader Martha Karua on Tuesday, August 18 claimed that former Prime Minister Raila Odinga was better at articulating government policies than President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Karua faulted the ODM for failing to carry out their mandate as the opposition party since Raila and Uhuru shook hands back in March 2018.

“Outside of Parliament, the former Prime Minister is the one who articulates Government policy better than Uhuru, that is having their cake and eating it.

“I’m challenging them at this 10th anniversary of the Constitution, please be honest with Kenyans. Be in Government or opposition but do not have your leg in each,” she noted.

Karua added that the ODM could form a coalition with three other parties and still remain as the minority but was against being in government and the opposition at the same time.

The move of having both feet in government and the opposition is affecting Kenyans according to Karua, as parliament currently lacks accountability.

The former Gichugu MP was not against the handshake but called for ODM to decide on whether the party was in government so as to allow a chance for the next minority to form the opposition.

Karua was against calls to have a referendum especially at a time when the globe is grappling with the Covid-19 pandemic.

“The calls are not honest, these are calls to add to the number of people in the Executive, I do not think that is what Kenyans are missing.

“Kenyans are missing efficient service delivery, the promise of the Constitution of social-economic rights,” she explained.

The former Justice Minister also highlighted how the state of education in public schools had deteriorated with private institutions now offering quality learning.