Mobile Loan firm Tala. Has shut down loan operations following complications brought about by Covid-19 disease.
In late March, the Kenyan Govt announced measures to ease the burden on Kenyans during the coronavirus pandemic, one of those was the suspension of listing of loan defaulters on the Credit Reference Bureau (CRB).
“We direct the temporary suspension of listing on CRB of any persons, micro, small, medium entities and corporate entities whose loan account fall due or is in arrears effective, April 1, 2020,” said the President.
Kenyan bulletin has leaslrnt that Tala loan app has effected the measures by putting a freeze on new applications from customers for 10 days.
“I paid my loan of Ksh33,300 which is the highest limit of Tala App, but when I applied for a new one they said one should wait for one week or 10 days. It is disappointing but we move on”, a disappointed client told Kenyanbulletin.com.
Other clients did not take it easy.
A client whose loan was reduced from a limit of Ksh30,000 to Ksh5000 did not take it lightly.
This is shown by the conversation below between Tala and a client on Twitter.
Seriously guyz? From 30k to 5k? What did I do?
I'm out. It was good while it lasted. Sayonara. pic.twitter.com/MF1I1KDUt9— MKN (@iNduati) April 1, 2020