Home » Victor Kinuthia’s new role on Citizen TV after his show of bravery during the live coverage

Victor Kinuthia’s new role on Citizen TV after his show of bravery during the live coverage

Victor Kinuthia’s new role on Citizen TV after his show of bravery during the live coverage

Royal Media Services’ Victor Kinuthia was donned the epitome if grit in the journalism industry after his show of bravery during the live coverage of the arrest of Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro, Kinuthia now has a new role on Citizen TV.

“Boy child rising! Tupatane Sema na Citizen,” Kinuthia who is attached to Inooro TV wrote on Facebook.

He will be now also reporting live on the Sema na Citizen show that airs every morning from 10am.

On Monday night, Kinuthia had been asked to go live on Citizen TV as MP Nyoro was being arrested in Murang’a.

Not one to shy away from a challenge, Victor took the bull by the horns and managed to convince lawmakers who had accompanied Nyoro to comment on the late-night standoff.

Hours after the live coverage, his name was trending on Twitter with a section of Kenyans criticizing him for not being fluent in English.

In an unexpected turn of events, he received calls from colleagues at RMS as well as family and friends.

They were all applauding him for his bravery and encouraging him not to let online trolls put him down.