Home » ‘Were your elected to tweet?’ – Netizens ask Senator to resign

‘Were your elected to tweet?’ – Netizens ask Senator to resign

In the ongoing war on corruption, politicians in Kenya are trying to warm up to the public by making ‘appealing’ statements.

Yesterday morning, Narok County Senator Ledama Olekina (Pictured) tweeted an apology to Kenyans for failing them.

“We have betrayed Kenyan as leaders! The Executive, Parliament and Judiciary. Please forgive us! Pray for us like you are cursing us!”, he posted ostensibly to gain sympathy over the ongoing chaos concerning corruption and other issues such as the revenue stalemate.

However, Kenyans on Twitter (KoT) would hear none of it.  The post backfired as Kenyans immediately asked him to lead by example by resigning.
