Sabina Kerubo, a Chief Inspector attached to Ugunja Police station, will be locked up after a Court determination ruled on her alleged involvement in the murder of a Journalist in Siaya County.
Kerubo is reported to have been cohabiting with the slain journalist Mr Eric Oloo for almost a year when a scuffle arose in November leading to his death.
Police have since arrested a man-Victor Luta, a househelp and her child who are believed to have been in the house at the time of Oloo’s murder.
Chief Inspector Kerubo was arrested on November 21 after her landlord reported the case to Ugunja Police station.
The landlord had come to Kerubo’s house after reports emerged that Oloo was lying unconscious in her house.
On arrival at the crime scene, Kerubo told the landlord to help ferry Oloo to a hospital, a request he declined.
Police officers would later arrive at the house to find a Mr Luta and a taxi driver attempting to carry the body to a hospital.
Officer Kerubo would be arrested later on November 21 at a Chang’aa den.
Reports indicate that three men made their way into Kerubo’s house on November 20 and had a fight with journalist Oloo before leaving the premises.
They would later come back to spark another scuffle in which Oloo would be stabbed in the head in the presence of Inspector Kerubo.