Home » Al-Shabaab Ambushes SNA Convoy Near Afgoye Town

Al-Shabaab Ambushes SNA Convoy Near Afgoye Town

Al-Shabaab Ambushes SNA Convoy Near Afgoye Town

A convoy that was transporting Federal Government Forces was on Wednesday ambushed by armed shabaab militants at the outskirts of Afgoye town on their way to Sabiib town.

Afgoye district is in lower Shabelle region. The government officials have not commented on the attack but the militants did. Through their pro-media claimed responsibility of the raid. Not commenting on the raid is a common government thinking they believe demoralizes the terrorists.

It is reported that Somalia National Army (SNA) later gained control of the situation. Al shabaab has routinely fought the government forces to gain control of the southern region. This attack that came the same time AMISON was handing over the management and control of the Warsheik base to Somali in preparation of 2021 exit point that Somali still lacks the capability to manage their own security.

SNA on the other hand has been accused of not sharing military intel with other AMISOM troops and sometimes of selling other troops combating Al shabaab. As the exit date nears for AMISOM, the Federal Government of Somali is posed with a great challenge to maintain or improve the security situation.