Unaitas Sacco has dropped bid to convert into a bank, citing a Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) moratorium order as well as the need to grow further. The...
Author - Dokta Wanz
Kenya Bulletin sources have received damning details how Chinese cartels released Corona Virus. Chinese Government has been accused of developing the...
Del Monte Kenya might lose their huge tracts of land they acquired in Kenya after a petition filed by Malindi and Mombasa Law Society of Kenya groups...
A twitter user @TheMacharia posted yester evening that @Coopbankenya Greenhouse branch manager John Karinga called his mother aside to confirm that...
Advocate Paul Otiende Amollo will be the first victim of the draconian Cyber Crime Bill the legislators passed in the parliament. MPs passed the...
Things at Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation formerly Rural Electrification Authority have gone South. REREC is the next...
Our Instigation desk has received credible information about Monica Wafula, a Facebook parody account that has been selling hot air {shoes] to people...
How The Mulji Devraj Brothers Ltd Conspired To Steal Sh2B Of Tax Payers Money In Utalii College Scam
Over two billion shillings of tax payers’ money could have been squandered in a project to build a hospitality campus at the Coast. The Ronald Ngala...
Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen) stands as the bridge to the future of clean energy in Kenya and probably beyond the borders. Across the...
The controversial city tycoon and the owner of the popular Oasis Bar and Restaurant located along upmarket Karen plains road, has been sued after the...