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Betty Kyallo speaks on having a second baby

Betty Kyallo speaks on having a second baby

Celebrated K24 news ancor Betty Kyallo has opened up on her pursuit of love and her desire to have a second child.

Betty opened up up during the shooting of her show which follows her daily activities and she offers information on topics that matter.

On Sunday evening’s episode, she said her first child Ivanna is the engine that pushes her to work hard, adding that she would want to have a second child.

“I don’t hustle so much for myself because I have lived a tough life. Ivanna is the one who drives me to hustle. Actually, I’m hoping to have a second child so if there are potential bachelors, mhhhmhh,” she said.

Betty added that she was confounded on the type of man she would wish to father her second child, but admitted that she had a bias for divorced men.

“I’m not sure if I would want a divorced, a single, or a widower. I’m always pulling towards that direction of divorced guys coz I think we get each other. I have been there and I think divorced guys always know things can go wrong so they are extra careful,” she added.

The K24 beauty was previously wedded to fellow journalist Dennis Okari who is also Ivanna’s father,

Their union, however, did not last long and ended up with a highly publicized divorce and subsequent squabbles relating to child support and infidelity.