A man has claimed that ‘police officers’ robbed him then gave fare to go home.
According to the victim, Mr Stanley Kiarie, he was waiting to board a matatu to his home in Kimende on February 9 when three officers in uniform arrested him on Nairobi’s River Road.
He says the trio told him they were police officers and that he was under arrest for illegal possession of bhang before handcuffing him.
According to a police report, he alleged that the officers proceeded to insert pieces of bhang into his pockets and told him to follow them.
The victim told police at Lari police station that the officers then asked for Sh20,000 to secure his release.
“They ransacked my pockets and grabbed the Sh2,000 that was there before forcing me to go and withdraw Sh6,000 from M-Pesa,” he said.
Afterwards, they handed him Sh500 as his fare home.
The officers at Lari where he reported the matter referred him back to Nairobi where the incident allegedly happened.
City police say they are investigating the matter.
The question is if we are not safe with the police, who are meant to protect us, where are we safe?