BREITBART: U.S. Attorney John Durham, who is investigating the FBI’s conduct in its probe of President Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, is also probing the Clinton Foundation, according to a report Thursday in the New York Times.
As Breitbart contributor Peter Schweizer argued in his 2015 book, Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich, the Clinton Foundation appeared to be a vehicle for former President Bill Clinton and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to sell influence and access.
It was widely suspected that Hillary Clinton used an illicit private email server, and destroyed her emails, to hide communications that might document the Foundation’s activities.
Durham has already obtained one guilty plea, from former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith, who admitted he altered an email to make it appear as if former Trump campaign aide Carter Page was not a CIA source, misleading the FISA court into renewing a surveillance warrant.
In an article Thursday titled “In Politically Charged Inquiry, Durham Sought Details About Scrutiny of Clintons,” the Times reported:
It turns out that Mr. Durham also focused attention on certain political enemies of Mr. Trump: the Clintons.
Mr. Durham, the U.S. attorney in Connecticut assigned by Mr. Barr to review the Russia inquiry, has sought documents and interviews about how federal law enforcement officials handled an investigation around the same time into allegations of political corruption at the Clinton Foundation, according to people familiar with the matter.
Mr. Durham’s team members have suggested to others that they are comparing the two investigations as well as examining whether investigators in the Russia inquiry flouted laws or policies. It was not clear whether Mr. Durham’s investigators were similarly looking for violations in the Clinton Foundation investigation, nor whether the comparison would be included or play a major role in the outcome of Mr. Durham’s inquiry.
The Times credits Schweizer for raising allegations that gained the attention of investigators at the FBI.
An inspector general’s report in 2018 that examined the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails found that former director James Comey had made “serious” errors of judgment, and that the investigation may have been tainted by political bias. Though it found no evidence of criminal conduct, questions remained — both about the FBI and about Clinton’s emails.
Earlier this year, U.S. Attorney John Huber concluded an investigation of the Clinton Foundation and was reported to have found nothing of consequence, though critics claimed that Clinton’s lawyers had received special treatment in the inquiry.