Home » Couple arrested in Kisumu for beating up census officials

Couple arrested in Kisumu for beating up census officials

Man, wife arrested for beating up census team in Kisumu

A man and his wife are being held at Kisumu Central Police Station after attacking a chief and village elder who had accompanied census officers at their house in Obunga slums.

The man, identified as Richard Ochieng, bit the fingers of a village elder while his wife hit the area Assitant chief with a piece of brick, hurting him on his thigh.

Acting Kanyakwar Chief Maurice Ojwang said the couple had chased away the enumerators on Saturday night and were never counted, prompting him to accompany them on Sunday alongside police officers.

The chief said when they got to the couple’s house, the woman started wailing and causing commotion before calling his husband who was away. When her husband arrived, he also started shouting and as police attempted to handcuff him, he severely bit the village elder’s fingers.