National Media owned TV station NTV was on Friday barred from airing an investigative documentary exposing the rot at the Child Welfare Society of Kenya where children are allegedly misused, abused and exploited for profit.
The expose dubbed, Sins of Saviours that was to air on Sunday, 1st, September 2019 documented the untold suffering of the vulnerable children in the hands of their protectors who have turned them into a money-minting venture, embezzling funds with reckless abandon.
The investigations unearthed a scheme in which the state agency tasked with taking care of vulnerable children in the country are instead using the vulnerable children for profit, subjecting them to more misery and minting millions in the process.
At the center of the scheme is a Mrs. Irene Mureithi who, according to a separate report in The Sunday Standard, authored two letters used in the exploitative scheme.
The media house however assured its audience that it would challenge the order in court and will air the investigative piece that seeks to expose the stinking rot at CWSK.