Health workers in Machakos county are set to get extra duty allowances of up to Sh20,000 for three months as the country grapples to contain the coronavirus pandemic.
The announcenent was made by Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua who said that the extra allowance is a token of appreciation and recognition of the sacrifice the health workers are making during this time to attend to COVID 19 patients.
“We have made this decision based on the doctrine of necessity, public interest and the fact that extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures,” Mutua said.
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The allowances announced by the county boss will range between Sh5,000 to Sh20,000 per month based on the specific duties and involvements as from April 1. Mutua stated that health professionals in his county’s COVI-19 Surveillance Team are conducting a door to door monitoring of patients will be paid upto Shs 20,000 in extra allowances.
Members serving the Non-professional surveillance team will be paid Sh10,000 per month with other professionals as doctors, clinical officers and nurses receiving shs 10,000 and supportive health worker cadres will receive Sh5,000.
“The health professionals working in isolation wards will also receive additional allowances equivalent to that of the surveillance teams as we ensure adequate provision of protective gears as masks to all health workers,” Mutua said.