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Drama as Teams Kieleweke and Tanga Tanga clash publicly in a church

The battle for supremacy between the Kieleweke and Tanga Tanga factions of the Jubilee Party on Sunday took a twist after leaders from either section clashed during a church fundraiser in Murang’a County.

The Tanga Tanga team, led by Kiharu Member of Parliament Ndindi Nyoro, reportedly stormed Gitui Catholic Church and attempted to disrupt the fundraiser in which Nominated MP Maina Kamanda, who is affiliated to the Kieleweke faction, had been invited as the chief guest.

According to sources, Mr. Nyoro and his team arrived late as Mr. Kamanda was speaking and making introductions before later demanding to be the one that introduces the guests being the area MP.

“I can’t allow people from Nairobi to come and take over my constituency as if they know this area. I am an elected leader and I tell Mr. Kamanda to his face that let them produce the list of the guests so that I can invite them,” said Mr. Nyoro.

Mr. Kamanda however also declined to give in to this demand, maintaining that he was the one who had been invited to the fundraiser and not the Kiharu legislator.

The two hence exchanged a few words before County Police Commander Josephat Kinyua also reportedly stood up and headed to the podium; which only served to worsen the situation as Mr.

Nyoro’s supporters turned rowdy thinking he was being arrested. The situation was contained after a while, upon which no speeches were made by any other leader from either side except Mr. Kamanda who, as the fundraiser’s chief guest, gave out his donation of Ksh.500,000 and a further Ksh.1 million from President Uhuru Kenyatta.

A slight back and forth was also witnessed outside the church where Mr. Kamanda and Mr. Nyoro addressed the press as well as the residents; with each placing blame on the other over the chaos.