Home » God’s New ’10 Commandments’ According To A Busia Man

God’s New ’10 Commandments’ According To A Busia Man

An elderly man from Busia has baffled many after he came up with 5 commandments which he says God sent him to unveil.

The 73-year-old Francis Ouma also says he has been instructed by God to build a tunnel in preparations of the second coming of Christ.

In an interview with BBC, the man said he began building the 24-room tunnel more than 50 years ago.

He says God directed him to the room where the commandments were dropped.

Ouma also claims that God was gutted by the fact that humans had gone against the Biblical 10 commandments, making Him design another set of laws that will be observed.

“I woke up one day and found a copy of these new commandments in one of the rooms and I knew it was Jesus who brought it as he had promised because human beings have corrupted and disobeyed the ancient laws given to Moses,” Ouma said.

Ouma says he was called by God and had to leave his career as a watchman and begin the Lord’s work and preach repentance to believers.

His career as a watchman, he says, spanned for 15 years before the ‘calling’.

He believes the revelations about the eschatology will also be revealed from the same place God deposited the five commandments for him.

Here are the five commandments:

1. Love God Your Creator

2. Love Jesus for his resurrection in this world

3. Appreciate your being as a human by making money

4. Only two segregations in the world, a man and woman

5. Only worship one God