Home » Gov. Sonko responds to Philip Sogoti man who applied for Nairobi County Deputy Governor position through a newspaper advert

Gov. Sonko responds to Philip Sogoti man who applied for Nairobi County Deputy Governor position through a newspaper advert

Hours after one Philip Sogoti applied for Nairobi County Deputy Governor position, it has caught the attention of county boss and as expected he has responded.

Below is a letter form Governor Mike Sonko to Mr. Philip


Thank you for your expression of interest in serving the great people of Nairobi alongside me as Deputy Governor. Thank you too for appreciating my commitment to openness and transparency.

My office received your earlier communications and we were in the process of writing you a formal regret because like I promised, I shall only be ready to fill the Deputy Governor position once the legislation pending in Parliament on nomination and appointment of Deputy Governor is assented into law.

It is worth of note that as a politician, I believe in keeping my promises to the electorate. And earlier, I committed myself to Nairobians that my nominee for Nairobi City County’s Next Deputy Governor shall be a woman.

Too bad you are not a woman because I intend to keep that promise to my women supporters at all costs because I believe in not only upholding the third gender rule but exceeding it. This is why half of Nairobi County executive members are women.

I wish you had indicated your professional background or work experience for my adminstration to know how better to assist you.

My appeal to you is not to give up on your dream to serve in leadership of Nairobi County but to keep checking up and applying as vacancies come up.

For example, I shall soon be sending home several nonperforming Members of County Executive Committee and Chief Officers who are sleeping on the job and you should be on the standby to apply when the County Public Service Board advertises to fill the position.

Otherwise I wish you all the best in your future endeavours as you continue to enjoy our services as a Nairobi voter and resident.

At Your Service,

Mike Mbuvi Sonko.

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