Home » Greed In Time Of Coronavirus: The Case of Simon Gicharu’s Mount Kenya University

Greed In Time Of Coronavirus: The Case of Simon Gicharu’s Mount Kenya University

Greed In Time Of Coronavirus: The Case of Simon Gicharu’s Mount Kenya University
Mount Kenya University is amaong that cropped up after the business of education became booming. Another private university, KEMU has been having troubles attracting students
Educationist Prof Simon Gicharu, founder of Mount Kenya university

The standards of education at the Simon Gicharu’s founded Mount Kenya University seems to be on the decline after corruption, greed and myopia hit the senior management.

There has been an ill-informed utopia about information technology as the solution to every problem in our society. Most often, the leaders pushing for the IT, and e-learning policies are ill-informed and are the same cartel that has oppressed many Kenyans, sending more into poverty and the while drunk with their looted wealth, blindly think all people are on the same level.

E-learning in a country where over 60 percent are living below poverty line, can’t afford to pay electricity, 80 per cent youth joblessness? What The FUCK?

One student of MKU narrated to KenyanBulletin.com editor as follows:

I am a student in Mount Kenya University and I am mad at University administration that is telling Students to pay fees at this pandemic crisis when Learning Country wide was suspended; in the name of E-learning.

It just shows they really care about themselves and not the students nor humanity.


  1. Students didn’t propose E-learning, It is the administration which woke up one day and decided to impose e-learning to Students without proper consultation and implementations. To me, that’s where it all started.
  2. Currently Mount Kenya University has lots of KUCCPS Students, most of them who come from humble backgrounds where the parents survive on Hand to Mouth Narrative-now being that the government has banned all marketing activities and any form of crowding hustle, where does this rotten administration think parents will harvest fees from?
  3. If it was E-learning; it was to be free, stop maximizing profits in times of Worldwide crisis, what if the student dies of this deadly virus (God forbid)? Will you refund the fees; you’re well known for sending off your students as dogs. These administrators belong to the same jail where the corrupt are locked.

Shame on Mount Kenya University.

Why isolate those who haven’t paid school fees yet your idea was to keep learners active and occupied?

The economy has gone down and our parents can’t afford to pay fees,buy bundles for e-learning and at the same time buyfood.

Should we leave this institution for The rich to be educated as we admire their success?

Let’s not put money before life.
