Home » Heshimu mzazi! Meet Zari Hassan’s daddy (Photos)

Heshimu mzazi! Meet Zari Hassan’s daddy (Photos)

Heshimu mzazi! Meet Zari Hassan’s daddy (Photos)


Zari Hassan

Not much is known about Zari Hassan’s dad, Nasur Hassan.

Well today, we shall give you a little more information about the man who fathered the Ugandan powerhouse that has led the way in inspiring young girls who also want to be baussss ladies.

Zari rarely ever says a lot about her dad, that is because her parents separated while she was still young and her mother raised Zari and her siblings as a single mum.

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That does not mean, Mr Nasur has not been keeping abreast with his children’s life events.

When Zari’s husband Ivan Ssemwanga died, Nasur spoke to the media and gave his thoughts and tributes.

Speaking to Millard Ayo, Nasur said,

“The news of Ivan has affected me so much, he was a person I admired so much and respected as my son in law despite the little difference that grew between my daughter and him. I will remember him forever.”

A while back when Zari was in Uganda for a charity event, she visited her dad and took some photos and video with him.

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Zari bosss ladyIn one post, Zari bragged,

“I am my Fathers Copy!” 

In another video posted on her snapchat, Zari narrated how the dad was learning how to use a smartphone.

“My dad learning new apps on his new phone. Zule (sister Zulekha( doing a great job as admin,” Zari teased. 

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Zari dad nasur Hassan
Check out more photos of Mr Nasur below.

Zari dad nasur Hassan Zari dad nasur Hassan

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